Returns Policy
If you are not completely satisfied with your order, we accept returns of any purchase within 60 days of the transaction. Simply click here to initiate a return and generate a pre-paid label. Please pack the item(s) to be returned in the original packaging if possible and include the sales receipt and/or invoice with any return. Generating a prepaid label incurs an $5 fee, which will be deducted from your return total.
Upon receipt of the package, the return process can take 1-2 business days to complete and 3-5 business days to post onto your account. The credit will be issued to the original payment method and you will be notified by email. Products sold via may not be returned to other store locations. Urban Decay products purchased any other retailer locations may not be returned to the Urban Decay website.
Please note that final sale items, promotional gift items, and e-gift cards are not eligible for return. If you would like to return your package with your own preferred mail carrier, you will still need to initiate a return online before sending. You will receive a copy of your invoice to enclose in the return package and prompted to provide a reason for your return. To ensure a quick and secure delivery, we recommend sending your return with insurance protection and keeping a copy of your return tracking number.
Urban Decay Returns
1620 Stateline Road E
Southaven, Mississippi 38671
Only items purchased at may be accepted for return. If you have a concern with an item purchased in a store, Contact Us